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How to prevent skin oncological diseases

Who is at risk? Skin cancer is most common in people over the age of 50 and in people exposed […]

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Beauty treatments for the autumn – a review of new procedures

No. 1 Skin care system HydraFacial Moisturizes the skin, restoring it after sun exposure Modern procedure HydraFacial MD ™ is […]

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PRP therapy for sportsman

Currently, PRP therapy successfully cures many sports-related illnesses such as: sprains,tears of muscles, ligaments and tendons; diseases caused by link […]

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ERA ESTHETIC INTERVIEW: beauty secrets of fitness-bikini champion Veronika Serzhante

– Veronika, our conversation with you is held shortly after the next conquest you titles of champion of Latvia on […]

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Art in era esthetic interiors

We present you a brief biography of the artist Arunas Rutkus born September 19, 1961 in Vilnius (Lithuania). From 1980 […]

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Hyaluronic acid and its role in the organism

Deficit of hyaluronic acid in the body leads to a significant deterioration of the skin – its dehydration and reduction […]

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Terms of sun exposure

• The peak activity of the sun is the time period from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. – there is […]

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Summer and skin hydration

Dehydrated skin – how does it look? If your skin looks tired, tarnished, if it began to form small wrinkles […]

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Sun protection and skin phototypes

All people are divided into 6 photo types: 1st skin type Light skin, often with freckles; blond or red hair; […]

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