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ERA ESTHETIC INTERVIEW: beauty secrets of fitness-bikini champion Veronika Serzhante

– Veronika, our conversation with you is held shortly after the next conquest you titles of champion of Latvia on Fitness Bikini. In anticipation of the summer, the two components of this wonderful sport name – “fitness” “bikini”, become particularly topical and exciting for many, many women. Is it possible with the help of fitness to get in shape for the bikini season in a short period of time?

– Improving the figure is possible for everyone, but it would be very desirable to change your habits, to do exercise regularly. Then the results can be very impressive. A short-term goals give short-term results. It is much more valuable to your figure and health, if you prefer summer revision of the style of life in general – it’s time to sun and pastime in the fresh air so that helps!

The first thing I always tell my clients: think about how you will live in the future, how would you feel if you want to be active and in 70 years, or spending time in clinics and hospitals? If today you are still very young, that’s no reason not to think about the sport hoping for a good genetics. It’s time to think about the quality of life in the future.
I myself began to engage seriously in sports only 3 years ago. Before that I worked as a lawyer and did not think about a career of fitness trainer. I could not imagine that in 3 years I would compete with world-class athletes in one bodybuilding category – bikini fitness. Although I have always been quite mobile – engaged in swimming, dancing, riding a bike. But having come to the gym, I literally fell in love with lifting weights and beautiful muscles. During these 3 years I rarely missed a workout. I think that this consistency was the key to my success.

During this time much has changed in my life, to say the least – everything! From the change of profession, attention to the surrounding self-discipline, not only in sports but also in everyday affairs. If you do not change the sport and be honest with him, the result does not take long and will present tangible results – a healthy beautiful body, positive emotions, a lot of interesting acquaintances and attention, wherever you are.

– And what kind of sports you would recommend for women who are ready to change their usual way of life?

– If you decide to go in for sports, but do not know, what kind of exercise to choose, I would advise to address to the expert in the fitness center. Modern fitness centers offer a huge variety of activities, both group and individual. But how to understand all this diversity? All of us are individual: someone needed aggressive sports, and someone – relaxing. Therefore, having come to the fitness center in the first place is better to see a specialist, who will conduct a survey, make a survey on health and then you can decide what kind of load is needed, and most importantly does not hurt you specifically, taking into account what kind of the goals you want to achieve.

Women are the best, in my opinion, to combine group classes such as yoga and aerobics with a visit to the gym. Aerobic – cardio this, the load on the cardiovascular system, in the first place. And plus during cardio we actively “burn” fat. Yoga makes your body flexible, ligaments flexible, improve posture, but one only cardio will not give you relief, smartness, will not work to adjust the shape the way you want, you will lose weight, but you will not be tightened hands, beautiful elastic thighs and buttocks and etc., and in the gym, you will create the forms, which are dreaming. Therefore, any Weight Training for Women are essential.

And by the way, began to engage in, do not be afraid of a little weight gain. This is normal. The fact is that fat does not have time to burn as fast as we would like, and the muscles begin to come in tone and grow. Care should be taken not primarily on the weight and volume to your body. You can add a couple of kilos, but to lose weight in the hips and waist a few centimeters. To monitor their own progress recommend at the beginning of training, as well as every 1.5 – 2 weeks to make control measurements: bust, waist, thighs, triceps (upper arm), the tibia. The result will surprise you. And do not be afraid to “swing”, really impressive volumes achieved without special additives and pharmacology women very difficult. During training, you better know your body. Each individual muscle groups react to load faster or slower and over time you will begin to understand what exercises you need to perform a little less, and what – “put pressure”, depending on progress.

– What changes in the diet is important to do to get a beautiful figure?

– Of course, the most important, complex and controversial point – the food. Diet is the first place to start with a healthy lifestyle and its way to the “ideal” body. On it depends the success of 70%. Many people do not give much importance nutrition or little educated on this issue. So, many people continue to eat haphazardly, without giving importance to what they eat, how much and at what time. For example, already starting to exercise, continue to consume large amounts of carbohydrates, including sugars, in the evening, considering that all burned during training. With such attitude they are, at best, will stagnate in one place for a long time, losing patience and hope. It is better from the first day to accustom themselves to a diet and regular visits to the gym. Ideally, contact a dietitian, one that would help to understand – what products you absolutely can not eat, and what – to emphasize. Internet and fitness trainer can give a common standard recommendation, which will be able to send you in search of your diet. But be sure to listen to the characteristics of your body, each person has their own preferences: someone does not perceive lactose, someone – a vegetarian. On this basis, and build your diet.

– What would you recommend to start with for those who want to apply to the sport?

– Sport gives you a great deal: a sense of movement and confidence in unusual situations. Sport is a good psychologist. You always trust him, you know that after a good workout, you will be easier to look at the problems of life.
The main train regularly, at least a little. The most common excuse – no time. Children, working in the mornings, “I can`t wake up in time”, “In the evening there are no forces” and so on. Find any time, no matter when you exercise. It is necessary to train. The challenge is to do it. Three times a week will turn out – well, two times a week – not so bad too. And of course, the muscles need rest to recover. We should not forget about the psychological rest. So, to give your body a psychological discharge, one day a week you can afford it! For example, in one weekend takes liberties in food – eat your favorite dessert, enjoy a glass of wine with snacks without remorse. This “deception day” will not negatively impact on your figure, on the contrary, your metabolism will thank you.

– Thanks for your advices! Finally, please give a short farewell to those who are now beginning their way to a beautiful and healthy body.

– My secret formula for good health and a beautiful body is constancy. Continue in motion, be constant in a healthy diet and be constant in a good holiday! And then your goal will be attainable!

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