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Terms of sun exposure

• The peak activity of the sun is the time period from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. – there is high opportunity to get sunburns in this time, especially for people with fair skin (types 1-2). The best time for sunbathing is from 9 a.m. to 11 p.m. or from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m.

• It is forbidden to defat skin or to use perfume or aerosol before sunbathing – it can cause the formation of pigment spots.

• If you use drugs, ask your doctor, if they can take medication to make your skin more sensitive to the sun.

• Children under 3 years are not recommended being out in the sun at all! On the beach, by water they will receive greater exposure than elsewhere. A child at this age have not yet developed immune processes, so be sure to protect his skin from the sun with cotton clothing, covering the head from the sun. Also you have to use for children skin protective equipment with SPF factor of 30-50.

• During exposure to the sun is not advisable to use cosmetics, the main function of which – skin rejuvenation, not protection. It is best to use these funds in the evening. On the other hand, modern means of protection (creams with SPF) are often supplemented by features of rejuvenation – such funds will at the same time give you filter function, helping your skin to look good.

• SPF (Sun Protection Factor) is a level of protection that your skin can provide a cosmetic (cream, lotion, oil, etc.). The required level of protection of your skin (SPF) is determined based on the type of your skin.

• In case of sun burns for the “reanimation” of a skin great help can provide folk remedies such as milk products, egg yolks.

• Sunburns often accompanies sunstroke symptoms which need to pay attention.

• Excepting sun burns, what can indicate that the sun has had a detrimental effect on the health of your skin? This is evidenced by new skin formation and modification of old ones – if they start to grow, itching, changing their properties. In this case, consult your dermatologist, who will do an exam these formations and establish whether they are benign.

Dr. Natālija Gerula

Your consultant
Dr. Natālija Gerula
doctor dermatologist, immunologist

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