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Aesthetic medicine

Modern aesthetic medicine is a complex of effective, sparing and safe techniques that help to preserve youth and beauty for as long as possible. Many procedures are comparable to plastic surgery in terms of results, while they do not require incisions and complex rehabilitation.

Era Esthetic clinic offers a wide range of services and directions to solve any aesthetic problems of the face and body. Our pride is innovative devices for laser, radio wave and ultrasound cosmetology, which successfully work with signs of aging and any skin imperfections. Hardware cosmetology is carried out comfortably and painlessly, gives visible positive changes from the first session.

In addition to hardware effects, injection techniques for skin rejuvenation and correction of facial features are often used. Filler injections allow you to harmonize and improve the appearance in accordance with the wishes of the patient. Meso-cocktails, plasma preparations and botulinum toxin work to improve and regenerate the skin, eliminate age-related changes.

For each patient, the doctors of the clinic of aesthetic and laser medicine Era Esthetic select a personal set of procedures. Specialists take into account patients wishes, current condition of his/her skin, presence of contraindications and other important medical aspects. An integrated approach allows you to improve and rejuvenate the skin of the face and body, to achieve the desired results in a short time.

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