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Laser removal of pigment spots

Pigmenta plankumu noņemšanaPigment spots on the face or body are caused by too much melanin production. The causes of these pigment spots are varied, they can vary in color from light to dark brown and slightly increase above the surface of the skin as the stratum corneum swells. Pigment spots are divided according to their size, location and shape, develop over time and become more expressive, even more noticeable. The skin loses its beauty, looks uneven, aesthetically unattractive. These reasons make it necessary to look for ways to prevent it. The most effective way to eliminate pigment spots is a laser.

Сandela GentleLase Pro Alexandrite laser is the most powerful of all lasers, it effectively eliminates all skin pigment changes: melasma or chloasma – the so-called “pregnancy spots”, brown spots, sun/age spots, freckles, seborrheic keratoses, café-au-lait – and other pigment spots.


Skin damage caused by the sun is manifested in various changes in the pigmentation and structure of the skin. These are brown, uneven, pigmentation spots caused by the sun or age, reduced skin elasticity and an increased wrinkling due to prolonged exposure to the sun. Photoaging is a premature aging that occurs due to the long-term exposure of the sun’s ultraviolet rays to the skin. Many people regret overexposure of their skin to sun. The tan and color of the skin later gradually manifests itself as photoaging and can lead to serious illnesses. It can trigger brown or sun spots (lentigosolaris), seborrheic keratosis, skin elastosis and even skin cancer. When ignoring the use of sunscreens with a high SPF over years, the damage caused by the sun adds up and it is impossible to correct it merely with subsequent avoidance of sun exposure.


The alexandrite laser removes pigment spots, but thanks to the laser pulse-stimulating collagen and elastin fibers, photorejuvenation occurs. This is a skin rejuvenation procedure. During it, changes caused by skin pigment, age and sun are eliminated. In areas to be treated with this laser, due to the stimulated production of collagen and elastane fibers, skin tone increases, as well as small wrinkles are smoothed out. The skin looks smooth and rejuvenated. This is especially evident when performing such procedures in woman’s facial or chest area – the skin becomes firmer.



Era Esthetic laser dermatology clinic uses Сandela GentleLase Pro alexandrite laser, its radiation – a 755 nm length wavebeam – best absorbs the pigment melanin contained in the pigment spots. Moreover, it is the most powerful laser. Its power reaches 17.666 W compared to the power of other lasers at merely 1.6 – 2.9 W. Pigment spot removal procedures performed with it are safe and effective. During the procedure, pigment spots are effectively and quickly eliminated, but thanks to laser-stimulating collagen and the synthesis of elastin fibers, the skin becomes beautiful and smooth, and a skin rejuvenating effect is obtained.


The Сandela GentleLase Pro alexandrite laser treats pigment spots in all areas of the body. In women, pigment spots are eliminated all areas of the face, neck, especially the décolleté – V-shaped cutout, arms and legs. In men, it is more common in areas of the face, neck, shoulder area, arms or back

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In areas of the face, neck, the procedure takes about 10-20 minutes, but when treating pigment changes in the skin covering a larger area, for example, in the area of the chest, arms, the procedure takes 30 minutes.



Usually, 1 or 2 procedures are performed – if there are a lot of pigment spots and they have emerged a long time ago, 3-4 procedures should be performed. After the procedure, all or most of the pigment spots are eliminated. If pigment spots still remain after the first procedure, the next procedure should be carried out after 3-4 weeks.



Pigment spots after the alexandrite laser procedure darken for a few days, but after 3–7 days begin to become lighter and fade. As a result of the stimulated synthesis of collagen, the skin becomes smooth, acquires a beautiful appearance. The next day after the procedure, hygiene products or makeup can usually be applied.

The service is provided in clinics:
  • RIGA, Kr.Valdemāra St. 41 - Era Esthetic clinic
  • JURMALA, Jūras St. 23/25 - Era Esthetic branch
All the procedures in our clinic are conducted by qualified Era Esthetic laser dermatology specialists
Zanna Dubska, the leading stylist and guru of the fashion world of Riga

First, ERA ESTHETIC employs highly qualified specialists, which is what I, Zanna Dubska, value most in people, who are doing their work. Secondly, I highly value the individual approach, therefore, I found the fact that the procedures recommended at the clinic were particularly suitable for me, to be especially attractive. This was especially true, when a costly, but very popular procedure that was not suitable for me, was replaced with a procedure that was less expensive, but more efficient in my case. Thirdly, being an […]

First, ERA ESTHETIC employs highly qualified specialists, which is what I, Zanna Dubska, value most in people, who are doing their work.

Secondly, I highly value the individual approach, therefore, I found the fact that the procedures recommended at the clinic were particularly suitable for me, to be especially attractive. This was especially true, when a costly, but very popular procedure that was not suitable for me, was replaced with a procedure that was less expensive, but more efficient in my case.

Thirdly, being an aesthete, I love beautiful interiors and beautiful people – I find it pleasant to come to beautiful places. This is what I highly value. The clinic is beautiful and aesthetic, which is very important for me.

Fourthly, I find that comfortable and free parking is an important factor. And I find the fact that it is possible to park in the centre of the city without any additional stress or costs, to receive my procedures and then calmly and pleasantly drive away, to be an additional bonus.

And, of course, there is the human factor: the smiles I always receive, the constantly good mood, the humane and warm-hearted approach that always meets me at ERA ESTHETIC.

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Vlada Suleimanova, permanent makeup artist

For me as a specialist with education and experience in the beauty industry, it is especially difficult for me to entrust my face and body to other masters. I always immediately see all the shortcomings and controversial points, but I fully trust the specialists working in the Era Esthetic clinic, therefore I always go for procedures with a “calm soul”.
Advanced technology, attention to each client and experienced staff will make sure that you are as comfortable as possible within the walls of the clinic!

Maija Silova, Latvian TV anchorwoman, producer and fashion expert 

Only go where you are waited for. This is the phrase that best characterises the concept of the clinic. Individual approach, careful attitude, valuable advice and pleasantly spent quality time.

One of my most popular procedures – Hydrafacial, which is always like a breath of fresh air to my skin, returning its healthy pink skin tone. An extra bonus – a comfortable car park, which helps you save time on searching for a parking space.



Diana Kubasova, Miss Europa 2017,model and lifestyle blogger

“Clinic of aesthetic and laser medicine ERA ESTHETIC is the place I go straight after long flights, long photo sessions or before important events to restore my skin’s shine and energy with Hydrafacial or Intraceuticals procedures.
I also trust the clinic’s doctors to perform laser procedures for me – laser epilation, removal of blood vessels, and skin rejuvenation.
In the ERA ESTHETIC Clinic, I always find a pleasant atmosphere, delicious coffee, friendly service and knowledgeable specialists.”

Almaza Pirha, editor-in-chief of Beauty Cloud magazine and 3ade.lv portal

“I sincerely do not understand why there is still not a single MedAdvisor platform where people can rate the work of clinics, aesthetic centres and beauty salons.
If such a platform existed, then my assessment of the ERA ESTHETIC clinic would be a solid 5.0 in all respects.
In fact, for me, as a capricious client and aesthete, all these points are important. From the cleanliness, confidence in the qualifications of doctors, to their wide smiles and the absence of the overpowering smell of medical cabinets.”

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