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Striae laser removal

Our clinic performs the elimination of stretch marks and scars using the latest generation lasers: the fractional laser Fraxel Dual 1550/1927 nm, the fractional laser CO2RE, and the pulsed light laser VBeam Perfecta.

In aesthetic dermatology, fractional skin rejuvenation opens up new possibilities for eliminating skin defects. Until recently, residual marks on the face, surgical scars, and stretch marks resulting from childbirth or weight changes seemed like unsolvable problems. Today, with the use of new technology, medical professionals can effectively address them using lasers..




Stretch marks are narrow, thin lines on the skin, most commonly found parallel to each other, caused by rupture of of dermis fiber tissue. If stretch marks occur during pregnancy, they are called striae gravidarum, as well as atrophic stretch marks, white lines, or simply stretch marks. They often appear when the skin rapidly stretches due to growth, pregnancy, or significant weight changes. Stretch marks can also occur due to hormonal changes during adolescence, pregnancy, or hormone replacement therapy, among other reasons.



During mechanical stretching in areas that stretch the fastest, such as the abdomen, chest, and thighs, the skin tissues can rupture. Initially, they appear as red, bluish, or purplish lines. Stretch marks occur in the layer of skin that helps maintain its shape, so when the tissues tear and stretch marks form, there is a noticeable indentation and softer skin. Stretch marks can occur anywhere on the body, but most commonly appear in localized areas of adipose tissue: around the abdomen, especially near the navel, breasts, upper arms, armpits, back, thighs, hips and buttocks.



Stretch marks and, most importantly, their severity are associated with a woman’s age, high body mass index, and large fetal weight. Adolescents also have a significant risk of developing stretch marks. In many cases, hormonal factors influence the development of stretch marks by suppressing fibroblasts, the cells responsible for producing collagen and elastin synthesis needed to maintain the elasticity of rapidly growing skin. When collagen and elastin synthesis decreases, the skin lacks support, its resilience decreases, and the tissue tears as the skin stretches.



During pregnancy, between 75% and 90% women develop stretch marks of varying degrees. They usually occur in the course of 6-7 month, in the third trimester, when the skin undergoes the ultimate tensile strength. A range of oils, creams, lotions are suggested in order to prevent stretch marks, however, the occurrence of stretch marks, their externalization is also influenced by genetic and hormonal factors as well dispersion properties of fat tissue and dermis fiber.



Stretch marks do not cause any discomfort, however, they are aesthetically unattractive for those who have them. Treatment by Retinoids and AHA acids ensure only local effect. Both cosmetic and professional means that have a local effect cannot reduce the already formed, visible stretch marks. Mesotherapy, collagen injections requires a large number of procedures, they can achieve changes, but minimal ones. Eliminating strech marks surgically – during surgery, excess skin is removed along with the skin affected by stretch marks. If you do not want surgical intervention and want smooth skin, the most effective is the elimination of stretch marks with a laser. In the Era Esthetic laser dermatology clinic for the elimination of stretch marks, we offer the latest lasers for stretch marks of all types and the most diverse appearance. The wide range of lasers and their combination ensures effective elimination of stretch marks.


CO2RE lāzers


Innovative CO2Re equipment is an effective laser for skin rejuvenation and elimination of its defects, including the elimination of stretch marks.

The CO2Re laser provides effective stretch marks correction using the CO2Re deep program of this laser. Laser light reaches the deepest layers of the skin, activating collagen production, strengthening the skin and providing a lifting effect.

Candela V Beam Perfecta


The pulse light laser is unique in that it perfectly copes with everything that is RED, effectively destroying red and other pink colors and shades, while stimulating collagen synthesis, effectively eliminates fresh, pink stretch marks.




Another successful methodology for the treatment of stretch marks is mesotherapy, which is applied in our clinic against stretch marks – with the most effective meso cocktails from the market leader Aesthetic Dermal. Mesotherapy against stretch marks can be done as a single treatment, or in combination with laser methodology.

Mesotherapy against stretch marks requires course of 4 to 10 procedures, depending on the needs and characteristics of the patient’s skin.



The service is provided in clinics:
  • RIGA, Kr.Valdemāra St. 41 - Era Esthetic clinic
  • JURMALA, Jūras St. 23/25 - Era Esthetic branch
All the procedures in our clinic are conducted by qualified Era Esthetic laser dermatology specialists
Zanna Dubska, the leading stylist and guru of the fashion world of Riga

First, ERA ESTHETIC employs highly qualified specialists, which is what I, Zanna Dubska, value most in people, who are doing their work. Secondly, I highly value the individual approach, therefore, I found the fact that the procedures recommended at the clinic were particularly suitable for me, to be especially attractive. This was especially true, when a costly, but very popular procedure that was not suitable for me, was replaced with a procedure that was less expensive, but more efficient in my case. Thirdly, being an […]

First, ERA ESTHETIC employs highly qualified specialists, which is what I, Zanna Dubska, value most in people, who are doing their work.

Secondly, I highly value the individual approach, therefore, I found the fact that the procedures recommended at the clinic were particularly suitable for me, to be especially attractive. This was especially true, when a costly, but very popular procedure that was not suitable for me, was replaced with a procedure that was less expensive, but more efficient in my case.

Thirdly, being an aesthete, I love beautiful interiors and beautiful people – I find it pleasant to come to beautiful places. This is what I highly value. The clinic is beautiful and aesthetic, which is very important for me.

Fourthly, I find that comfortable and free parking is an important factor. And I find the fact that it is possible to park in the centre of the city without any additional stress or costs, to receive my procedures and then calmly and pleasantly drive away, to be an additional bonus.

And, of course, there is the human factor: the smiles I always receive, the constantly good mood, the humane and warm-hearted approach that always meets me at ERA ESTHETIC.

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Maija Silova, Latvian TV anchorwoman, producer and fashion expert 

Only go where you are waited for. This is the phrase that best characterises the concept of the clinic. Individual approach, careful attitude, valuable advice and pleasantly spent quality time.

One of my most popular procedures – Hydrafacial, which is always like a breath of fresh air to my skin, returning its healthy pink skin tone. An extra bonus – a comfortable car park, which helps you save time on searching for a parking space.



Diana Kubasova, Miss Europa 2017,model and lifestyle blogger

“Clinic of aesthetic and laser medicine ERA ESTHETIC is the place I go straight after long flights, long photo sessions or before important events to restore my skin’s shine and energy with Hydrafacial or Intraceuticals procedures.
I also trust the clinic’s doctors to perform laser procedures for me – laser epilation, removal of blood vessels, and skin rejuvenation.
In the ERA ESTHETIC Clinic, I always find a pleasant atmosphere, delicious coffee, friendly service and knowledgeable specialists.”

Almaza Pirha, editor-in-chief of Beauty Cloud magazine and 3ade.lv portal

“I sincerely do not understand why there is still not a single MedAdvisor platform where people can rate the work of clinics, aesthetic centres and beauty salons.
If such a platform existed, then my assessment of the ERA ESTHETIC clinic would be a solid 5.0 in all respects.
In fact, for me, as a capricious client and aesthete, all these points are important. From the cleanliness, confidence in the qualifications of doctors, to their wide smiles and the absence of the overpowering smell of medical cabinets.”

Yana Medova, blogger

Laser Dermatology Clinic Era Esthetic is an oasis of beauty in the centre of Riga. Opening the doors of this clinic, you forget about the everyday hustle and bustle and plunge into the world of procedures for yourself. Professional experts and the latest modern equipment is Era Esthetic’s business card. I chose this clinic for laser hair removal and the incredibly effective face treatment “Hydrafacial”. Well, delicious coffee and a feminine stylish interior in the clinic is just the cherry on the “cake” of professionalism […]

Laser Dermatology Clinic Era Esthetic is an oasis of beauty in the centre of Riga.
Opening the doors of this clinic, you forget about the everyday hustle and bustle and plunge into the world of procedures for yourself.
Professional experts and the latest modern equipment is Era Esthetic’s business card.
I chose this clinic for laser hair removal and the incredibly effective face treatment “Hydrafacial”.
Well, delicious coffee and a feminine stylish interior in the clinic is just the cherry on the “cake” of professionalism and customer care.

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