May 13, 2015 in Latvia is traditionally held Evromelanomy Day – the day when attention is paid to prevention and diagnosis of diseases of the skin. The new clinic of laser dermatology ERA ESTHETIC in Riga during the Day Evromelanomy offers a free diagnosis of cutaneous formations, which if it`s well timed, may save your life!
Melanoma – a kind of skin cancer. One of the most common causes of melanoma is ultraviolet light – both natural (sun) and artificial (solariums). Melanoma occurs in all age groups – like the elderly, and young people there, but it is worth noting that melanoma is the most common cancers among young adults.
In case of skin nevi (moles) of irregular shape, asymmetrical, with jagged edges and uneven color, it is necessary to conduct dermatological examination to make sure that it has a benign nature.
In laser dermatology clinic ERA ESTHETIC ir Riga, Latvia, May 13, you can pass a free diagnosis of melanoma by appointment – call +371 25711117.