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Skincare for Hot Weather

What are the main rules of skincare during hot weather? Chief cosmetologist at the clinic of aesthetic and laser medicine Era Esthetic Liana Blazhevicha comments.

During summer high-quality skin cleansing is required. It must be ensured by soft foams, gels – twice per day. Do not disregard moisturising tonic or toner. Deep cleansing or peeling – once per week in the evenings. Soft peeling and soft acids up to 10%, or enzymes, will perfectly remove excess skin fat and horny scales.

It is a good idea to use cleansing masks with clay or kaolin once per week. They can be used on the entire facial surface in the event of oily skin, or locally on the T-zone in the event of combined skin. The principal rules here are as follows – no longer than 15 minutes, and do not allow the mask to dry out, i.e. use a sprayer to moisten it with water or cover with food wrap. Moisturising masks, sheet masks, hydrogel masks work well; aloe gel may also be applied.

It is also worth paying attention to the fact – which is very topical now – of wearing a protective mask in hot weather, especially for medical professionals and people who must wear the mask as a part of their service duties. It is definitely hot and moist. The mask affects the condition of the skin, since the combination of heat and moisture creates a greenhouse effect. Furthermore, the mask causes constant friction, which additionally traumatises the skin. It is important to pay attention to the composition of the protective masks. Polypropylene fibre, which is often incorporated in the fabric of the masks may, potentially, cause hypersensitivity of the skin. When the skin under the mask perspires, friction, dirt and sweat may cause inflammation, reddening of the skin, rash and closed comedones. Sometimes, the symptoms of allergic contact dermatitis may occur. We frequently encounter itching, burning or tingling sensations. Long-term use of a mask may cause excessive pressure and friction in certain areas of the skin, which may impair the function of the epidermal barrier and blood circulation, causing deep impressions and rash. If you notice a light reddening, wash your skin with warm water and soothing milk without flavouring agents or foam masks, which does not irritate the skin, and apply a moisturising cream that will soothe the skin afterwards.

Even if there are no problems with the skin, you still need to take care of your skin hygiene. If you need to wear a protective mask, it is advisable to give up the use of skincare products with an oily texture. In conditions of poor air circulation under the mask, oily creams may increase the secretion of subcutaneous fat and seal the pores, which may cause sticking of the internal surface of the mask to the skin, causing skin damage as a result. Therefore, the recommendations to mask wearers are as follows – choose breathable mask materials and use high-quality cleansing procedures of the skin.

About makeup. Everything is highly personalised here. Can multiple layers of makeup, in the event of air temperature of +30 °С, deteriorate the condition of the skin? Of course they can! If you wear a mask over your makeup, skin problems will even be aggravated. The best option is to use light textures or moisturising creams with SPF.

SPF protection – it is the most important and topical issue in summer. Direct exposure of the facial skin to sunlight is not recommended – this causes pigmentation, couperose and early ageing. I frequently hear objections of my customers, who say that SPF creams have a heavy, uncomfortable, sticky texture that makeup cannot be applied on, that they make the skin shine, that creams with SPF require constant re-application, that chemical sunscreens are bad for health, etc. I have one answer to these objections: “SPF protection is primarily about health, and only then about beauty!”

SPF (Sun Protection Factor) sunscreens – a protective filter that neutralises the negative effect of the Sun on the skin. It is recommended to apply sun protection agents on the skin 15-30 minutes prior to going outdoors, while, if you are outside in the sunlight, to reapply them every 2 hours.

If you have pigmented spots on your skin or you have a skin type that is prone to developing spots, we recommend using SPF 50 sunscreen cream all year round.

You should remember also –  to retain young and healthy skin, it requires a systematic approach and regular visits to a cosmetologist.

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